Victory Orthodox Apostolic Faith Church, Inc.
First Lady Frankie McKinstry
Praise the Lord. I greet you in the precious name of Jesus. I was born in Aliceville, Alabama as one of twelve children, 3 boys; 9 girls: Dorothy, Geraldine, Evonne, Freddie, Mary, Hazel, Rachael, Angie, Maddie, Larry Willie B and Charles.
I lived in Aliceville, Alabama for 18 years and graduated from R.J. Kirksey High School, where I met my husband, Robert McKinstry. At first, I knew Robert in from afar; I remember there were always two boys that my teacher announced as exempt on their math test, and he was one of them. Later, I met him as he helped my parents with their groceries in his car.
We were in choir together at Mt. Hebron Church as teenagers and as an acquaintance he was allowed to take me to the prom, which was a big deal because my father would never had let me go with someone he did not approve of. The rest is history! We have been married since February 13th of 1965 and have two beautiful daughters, Jocelyn and Chanda.
I worked for US Steel for 12 years as well as Chemical Enterprise and Driscoe and Co. I worked for the Gary Public School System and retired after 18 years. I went to church, I prayed, but before even being witnessed to, I remember saying, “Lord, there’s got to be something better than this!”
While working in the crane at the Steel Mill, I was witnessed to by a man named Jimmy. He asked me if I was saved and I replied, “I think so.” Afterwards, my husband and I were invited to a luncheon and service. On that same night, a woman prayed for us and I was instantaneously healed of an infected bladder and kidney. That night, the woman proclaimed that our marriage would never be the same. She was right!
I came to Victory Apostolic Faith Church after my sister told me directly, “You’ve got the Holy
Ghost, now you need to be baptized in Jesus’ name.” I told her, “I want everything it takes to
be saved.”
I had been baptized in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost before and at Victory,
they explained why I needed to correct my baptism since Father, Son and Holy Ghost are
only titles. I needed to be baptized in the name of Jesus. They were right – What a difference.
I came out of the water and felt like I was literally floating.
My entire family and I are grateful for God bringing us to Victory. God has been so good to
us all.
I like to help out wherever I’m needed. I’ve been the Assistant for the Sisterhood Department,
been on the Nurses Board, taught Sunday School, sang in the Gospel Choir, been Treasurer
for the Women’s Prayer Retreat and Missionary Department and I love to cook!
Truly, I can say that Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to me. The joy of the Lord IS
my strength. I give Him glory for His greatness, I thank Him for his loving-kindness and I
praise Him for ALL of the things that He has done.